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Trip October 99
These pictures are from our trip to the east coast, October 15-30, 1999.

We arrived on Thursday the 15th and went to Aunt Joan's.
We went to the Shabbat Dinner at the temple on Friday night.

At the temple we saw the following, plaques for Leo and Edith Mellon,
Adrien's parents:

Then Saturday morning was cousin Sara Lukasiewicz's Bat Mitzvah. Afterwards the reception was fabulous, complete with a gourmet cocktail hour, a many-course meal, and a D.J. and band. Great party!

leaving temple:
    front: Jenny, Katelyn, Brittany
    behind: Elaine, Phil
    back: Lori, Mark

We stayed until Tuesday, with a short trip to Middletown (about an hour north) to visit Bruce & Kim. The fall colors were gorgeous!

Then we left, driving northeast.

Kathie and Katelyn at the rest stop in Danbury, Connecticut

We went stayed overnight in Mystic Seaport, Connecticut. Then we headed north, since Marilyn's laptop was dead and we had to stop in Nashua, New Hampshire to stop at Oracle to get software. Then we headed east.

Katelyn and her gorgeous new pink kitty umbrella

We staying at Hampton Beach, Maine on the 21st. Gorgeous sunrise on Kathie' birthday, the 22nd!

Each day we'd sleep in, hit the road for a short time, look at pretty places, stop and shop all over, and find a place to stay in the evening. We worked our way north on the coast as far north as Pemaquid Point, Maine.

Nubble Lighthouse

?? Lighthouse

Pemaquid Point Lighthouse

Marilyn, Katelyn, and Adrien in Freeport, Maine

Many places were starting to be closed for the season and the weather started getting worse, so we turned northwest. We stayed at a great Bed & Breakfast in Poland, Maine, then into New Hampshire. We visited a great Shaker Village, then the Vermont Country Store, then south into Massachussets. We spent *way* too much money at the Yankee Candle Factory. We went east to Amherst, to the National Yiddish Book Center. What a place! I wish we'd had more time there, but it turns out they close at 3:30 and we arrived at 3:25. Once they heard we were from California they were nice enough to let us stay for a while.

National Yiddish Book Center

Then we stayed at our friend's Veronica and Susan's house in Northhampton, Massachussetts for a couple of days.

Susan, Isabel, and Veronica

Then we returned to New York, visited with family more, and returned home on the 30th.