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Trip April 27-May 12 2000

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Washington DC portion of the trip (4/27-5/1)
We went on the trip to attent the Millenium March on Washington for Lesbian/;Gay Rights. We stayed with and played with Glynis and Susan.
We visited the Holocost Museum one morning. It was an incredibly emotional and difficult experience, but one I'm glad I had. We also visited the White House.
We attended a Gala Dinner event, hosted by Rita Moreno and Charles Nelson Riley. What a party! Here is the great dessert they served: white chocolate mousse encrusted in crushed pistachios, with raspberries on top and at the end of the jellied rainbow, topped off with a stick of white chocolate. Yum, yum! This was the stage for the show at the Gala Dinner, which was a tribute to Jerry Herman. We got to see great performers of all kinds.
At the FDR memorial. Eleanor also had her place there.
Melissa Etheridge was one of those at the beginning of the March. Ellen DeGeneres and Anne Heche were also at the front.
President Clinton made a special speech, on tape. So did Vice President Gore.
Martina made a live appearance and urged us all to go back to our old neighborhoods and schools and come out. LOTS of people on the mall for the rally afterwards.
Hangin' out before the March... ...and crashed out on the Mall afterwards.
New York portion of the trip (5/1-5/8)
Katelyn walking with cousins Ashley and Elyssa to the reception after Jenny's Bat Mitzvah. Katelyn catching water on her tongue in the backyard at Elaine and Phil's, cooling off with her cousins.
Katelyn and Taylor making what? from wood chips in the backyard play area at Steven and Randi's house, after Elyssa's First Communion. Aunt Susan and cousin Lee at Jenny's Bat Mitzvah
Cousins: Brittany, Sara, Lee, Jenny Kateln asleep in mom's arms, amid all the commotion of the reception after Jenny's Bay Mitzvah.
Oregon/Washington State portion of the trip (5/8-5/13)
It was raining when we got there, and for much of the trip. Katelyn all deckeed out in the dress-up outfit bought for her by cousin Louise.
Loving counsin Douglas, who is 2 weeks younger and several inches taller than Katelyn! Swimming together at the indoor pool at the hotel.
Hot Rod Babe, at cousin Monica's house, with the neighbors, Douglas's cousins. Katelyn at the wheel...look out!
Katelyn and Marilyn in the BIG jaccuzzi tub at the hotel.