Nephew Joe O'Donnell's graduation UC San Diego, BS in Math and Economics (These pictures have been re-sized to display well on the web. You can download a zip file of full-sized pictures (for reprints, for example) here. BEWARE: it's just over 27MB.)
View walking in to the graduation area.
Adrien, Joel, and Lee, waiting for the festivities to start |
Stage, before anything started
Graduates lined up, coming in with their parents.
Susan, Joe, and Dick walking in.
Dick, Joe, and Susan seated #1
Dick, Joe, and Susan seated #2
Marshall Marshall
Graduates and parents, seated
Lee, Joe, and Susan, headed up to the stage
Walking across the stage
Got it!
Whew! Made it!
Waiting for Joe after it's all over
Nasty guy in the parking garage
Everyone packed in the van
Traffic jam getting out of the parking garage
Joe and Hailey at the restaurant afterwards