October 25, 2010
Well, back to my 3-month cycle of reporting family news. Life just gets too busy to write more often than that!
the kids were away we started up again with the design of our
kitchen/living space. We are working with a great team, all British (so
they and Val have a lot of fun!), and I feel like we're making real
progress. I have fantasies about doing the space next summer, but we'll
As usual, the kids had a fabulous time at Camp Newman.
Katelyn came back and was sick for 2 weeks, missing a week as a camper
at Coyote Point, and missing a week as an LIT (Leader in Training).
Luckily she'd had a week as an LIT earlier, which she enjoyed a lot.
She also got to attend the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner at Coyote
Point on 8/30.
After camp Haley spent some of that time visiting Aunt Susan and Uncle Joel in Morro Bay. She had a great time, as usual.
had a bunch of tests done on my right knee, and a second opinion, and
basically the next step is replacement. Yikes! I hope to hold out until
Katelyn is driving, a few years from now. We'll see if that's possible.
Meanwhile I exercise it to keep it strong, try not to strain it too
much, and take my Triple Flex religiously.
Val and I did our
yearly pilgrimage to Leather Levi Weekend August 19-22. Very relaxing
to be away, have adult fun, and have zero cell service and no computer.
Weird, but relaxing. Had some intense times with old and new friends.
kids started school on August 30. Haley has Mr. Gee, whom Katelyn had
for 3rd grade, and whom we really like. Katelyn likes most of her
teachers this year, which is good. She's having some angst settling
into her homework routine. She does well on tests, but has trouble
organizing and handing in homework. So she's struggling with some
classes, but we're starting to see her working it out. We've been
busy with the various school events: Back to School night at both
schools, I'm doing the PTA Newsletter and the web site at Spring
Valley, and am currently working on the PTA family directory
(Friendship Pages). I also volunteer once a month at the "Cubby Hole" -
the little office supply store - at Taylor.
The kids also
started back to religious school at Peninsula Temple Sholom. There is a
new youth director so they are having more youth events. Katelyn did
indoor sky diving and will do indoor rock climbing in a few weeks.
Haley went to an overnight camp in Livermore for "Shabbaton", and will
soon do an overnight at the temple for "Shabbat Madness".
Katelyn got her braces on September 22. Check it out.
was also busy with the High Holy Days. We went to services on both Rosh
Hashonah and Yom Kippor. Katelyn and I fasted, and both got called up
to the bima for Aliyas for the afternoon Yom Kippor service.
attended a reunion picnic for several lesbian social groups I attended
in the 80's and 90's (FLSG, PWG, etc) on 9/19. It was fun to see old
friends and share memories. Made me feel a little old, but it was
nice to renew the connections.
Haley celebrated her birthday
with a party at Kathie's on her actual birthday, 9/25. She'd wanted a
sleepover but none of the kids could stay over, so they just had a nice
afternoon/evening party, running around and playing games.
my birthday I dragged the family to the Simchat Torah service at PTS,
which was that night. I really enjoy that service, where the whole
Torah is unrolled, so I made that my party. Not a bad way to ring in
"Four Dozen", after spending a delightful afternoon with my friend Sal.
Val and I continued as officers in the Exiles, attending monthly
business meetings and programs, and semi-monthly orientations. She and
I (with help from Devlin) put together the Meet & Greet for Folsom
weekend, and we worked the booth at the Folsom Street Fair. We also
attended the Ms. San Francisco Leather contest, where Exiles member Leo
left on a business trip on 10/16, and will be gone until 11/3. She went
to Hamburg, is now in Cape Town, and will visit London before returning
Speaking of work, my contract with Genentech will really
and truly end December 1. I am in the process of transitioning my work
to others at the company, and am starting to look for my next job. I've
gotten some bites on my resume, my company (Aquent) is looking for me,
and we'll just see what happens. I'm not worried; something will come
We've had lots of visiting with friends and family, as usual:
- Jann and Trev visited on 8/14
- I had dinner with Max on 8/16
- Jennifer and Selena visited on 8/28
- Michelle visited on 9/11.
- We attended Glynis' Pirate Birthday Party on 9/19.
- We attended Barb's 50th birthday party on 9/25.
- I attended Kathie's 60th birthday (a Hawaiian Luau at Molloy's bar) on 10/22.
Devlin came from Berlin on 9/11, and spent many days with us on and off until she left on 9/30. We had lots of fun together!!
had some sadness over the last few months. Nelee, Val's stepmother, was
diagnosed with an aggressive cancer, and passed away August 12. Ed,
Mom's boyfriend, was also diagnosed with cancer, and passed away just
last week, on October 17th. Luckily all of us went to see Nelee just a
few days before she died, and we flew to southern California to see Ed
just a week before he died. I'm so glad the girls got to see both of
them. They also attended Nelee's memorial, which was on October 12th.
Ed's is this Saturday, and I will fly down myself to be there with Mom.
in the Hollinger-Langmuir house continues to be fun, busy, challenging,
rewarding, sad, happy, playful, loving, and generally good.