Mills Open House/Jazz Band Performance
On 3/14, Haley and I went to the Mills Open House. I mostly wanted to talk to Katelyn’s English teacher, Ms. Price (a sweet woman, who really loves having Katelyn i her class), and to see Katelyn perform with the Jazz Band. Haley went with me because she wanted to see what Mills was like. Already looking towards high school!
Play-a-Thon Preparation
I spent a hectic couple of weeks at the beginning of March preparing for the Taylor Play-a-Thon. This is a band fundraiser where the kids play 20 songs and collect either per-song or lump sum donations. I had to prepare all of the information, pledge sheets, and pledge envelopes. I had to copy everything, then had two moms come over and help, and Haley helped too. Plus I had to organize volunteers to help collect money, bring refreshments, serve, and clean up. A busy couple of weeks!
Taylor Concert Tour
Once again, Haley participated in the Taylor Concert Tour on 2/8. This is where the middle school music groups go to each of the 4 elementary schools in the district and do a mini-concert to encourage the kids to participate in music. The musicians get a day off school, and get to have lunch at the food court at the Tanforan Mall. They had a great time! Being the parent liaison for the band, I got to wrangle volunteers to chaperone, help cart things around, and monitor the kids at the mall.
Pep Band at Basketball
Katelyn played with the Mills pep band at several basketball games over the last couple of months. It’s a long evening, with both the girls’ and boys’ games, but the kids have a great time. You can see her playing here; look at the top of the picture, in the middle.
Haley Field Trip: A Christmas Carol
Haley got to go on a field trip on the 12th to see A Christmas Carol at the Geary Theater in San Francisco. She had a great time.
Concert Week
On Tuesday, Haley played percussion in the Taylor Winter Concert, and I was in charge of the parent volunteers (decorations, selling refreshments, etc), so it was a busy time for all. Then on Thursday, Katelyn played bari sax with the Jazz Band and Symphonic Band at the Mills Winter Concert, where Kathie helped out. Very busy!
Katelyn: CMEA Jazz Festival
Katelyn spent the day at the College of San Mateo on 11/16 with the Mills jazz band, at a CMEA (California Music Educators Association) jazz festival. They had a great time, although missed another day of school.
Katelyn goes to the Opera
Katelyn, along with many of the music students from Mills, went to a dress rehearsal of the SF Opera’s production of Tosca on 11/14. Katelyn really enjoyed it, although getting home late meant she didn’t get any homework done that night. It was the beginning of a long weekend of little sleep and lots of make-up work.
Website Training
On Saturday and Sunday the 20th and 21st I conducted training sessions for teaching other PTA parents how to edit the new site that will go live soon. I’m trying to “teach them to fish” so everyone can help out with editing the site. Google sites isn’t particularly sophisticated and is a bit buggy, but it’s great that the editing is really pretty easy, and it’s free and easily shareable.
Mills Mania
The kids went to “Mills Mania” on Friday. This a carnival/dinner/movie event at the high school, a benefit for the Mills Annual Fund. The thing that was particularly remarkable about it is that they were both there unsupervised, with strict orders to not leave campus without each other. They did great, and had a wonderful time. They’d even planned on walking home together afterwards because Val and I were teaching a class, but ended up getting a ride from our friend and neighbor, Lynn.
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