Hollinger-Langmuir Family News

Cortizone Shot

I had another cortisone shot in my left knee on 3/17. When I first started getting them they helped my knee feel better for months. Now it’s weeks, or less. We’ll see how long this one lasts. The only problem with getting a shot is that I get a terrible headache and feel awful for about a day and a half. Hopefully this one will last a while. Perhaps I’ll get another before we go on vacation in May, so I’m not in pain. My left knee replacement is scheduled for 7/1.

March 24, 2014 Posted by | Marilyn | Leave a Comment

Jay’s Birthday Party

On Sunday 3/16, Val and I went to Jay’s 45th birthday party. It was great to see him, and also to connect with some friends we don’t see very often. Our friend Rocket took a cute picture of the two of us at the party.

March 24, 2014 Posted by | Marilyn, Recreation, Val | Leave a Comment


We once again attended the joint Purim Party, held at Temple Beth Judea in San Francisco, with a lot of our B’nai Emunah friends. First there was a potluck, then two Megillah readings (one more traditional, one with lots of “shtick”), then Havdalah, then dessert. After that there was a movie for the kids, and the adults danced to Klezmania. It was fabulous!

Pictures here.

March 24, 2014 Posted by | Family, Haley, Jason, Jewish, Marilyn, Recreation, Val | Leave a Comment

St. Patrick’s Day Parade

On 3/15 I did my usual judging gig in San Francisco for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The kids joined me, with Deejay, and they seemed to enjoy it too. Even though I only judge a few times a year, I really like it.

March 24, 2014 Posted by | Haley, Jason, Marilyn | Leave a Comment

Shabbat Dinner at Rabbi Mark’s

After the Play-a-thon in 3/14, Haley and I headed over to Rabbi Mark’s house in Pacifica for dinner, where Val and Jason had arrived earlier. It was crowded, but delicious, and the company was great.

March 24, 2014 Posted by | Family, Haley, Jason, Marilyn, Val | Leave a Comment

Car Break-in

On 3/8 Val and I went to the Black Saturday event at the Powerhouse in SF. When we came out around midnight, we found that the front passenger window of my car had been smashed in. The thieves were pretty stupid, taking only a water bottle, a charging cable, and my wrist brace (!). We had to vacuum out the car (we were pointed to a nearby car wash by the police), and it was a cold ride home with no window. I submitted a police report online, and called in to submit a claim. After some mixups with the insurance company, the window was replaced the following Wednesday. What an annoyance!

March 24, 2014 Posted by | Marilyn, Val | Leave a Comment

Visit with Linda

On 3/9 Val and I got to visit with Linda. Val helped her with her computer while I was moderating the panel, and then we met up at a great Thai restaurant.

March 24, 2014 Posted by | Family, Marilyn, Val | Leave a Comment

“Consent Matters” Panel

I moderated a panel on 3/9 called “Consent Matters” to deal with issues of consent violations in the community. It was an honor to be asked, and was attended by about 100 people. Very well done, and an important topic.

March 24, 2014 Posted by | Marilyn, Recreation | Leave a Comment

Adrien’s Birthday

Adrien’s birthday was on 3/7, but she wasn’t feeling up to visit so I took the kids and went down there on 3/8. We had a delightful lunch with her and Jann and Trev. Val was busy so couldn’t attend, but sent birthday wishes. Deejay accompanied us, and did a great job just hanging out quietly under the table.

March 24, 2014 Posted by | Family, Haley, Jason, Marilyn | Leave a Comment

Taylor Play-a-thon

Once again the Taylor music program had our yearly Play-a-thon fundraiser on 3/14, which I organized. Everything from putting together the donation packets (all of the forms, and assembling them all with some help from Haley and some of the other parents), delegating the food, helping the Treasurer organize her work, and coordinating all of the money. Oh, and putting together an online donation site for the first time. We raised over $10,000, about 1/3 more than last year. About 25% of the donations came from the online site, which was great.

Pictures (just a few) here.

March 24, 2014 Posted by | Haley, Marilyn, School | Leave a Comment