Hollinger-Langmuir Family News

Visit with Stacy

I had a wonderful brunch at Lily’s Creperie with Stacy on Saturday the 27th. Neither of us had eaten crepes there, although I’d seen it on one of our frequent visits to the nearby Rainbow Pizza. I’d had sorbet from there once, and it was good. Anyway, the food turned out to be tasty, and Stacy and I had a really nice visit. Stacy is one of those people that I can not see for a while, and when we get together we just talk and talk and really click. I remember the first time we sat and talked, right after we met when I hired her to help me with two Passover Seders in 2001. I needed assistance because I’d just had knee surgery, not to mention I had two young children amd did two Seders in two days. (What was I thinking?) After the first Seder she and I sat on my deck and talked for hours. It’s great to have friends like that.

October 29, 2012 Posted by | general, Marilyn | Leave a Comment

Visit with George and Linda

George and Linda visited us on Friday. Val and I cooked a relatively simple dinner, before which we lit Shabbat candles and ate challah I’d purchased earlier at the day when I went to the gym at the PJCC. After dinner we ate the dessert they brought and watched one of George’s favorite movies, Sans Soleil. The kids were with Glynis & Susan so we had some adult time.

October 29, 2012 Posted by | Family, general, Marilyn, Val | Leave a Comment

Sholom Women Member Appreciation Dinner

I attended the Member Appreciation Dinner for Sholom Women on Thursday the 25th. Originally there was a guest speaker planned but she had to cancel at the last minute because her father took ill. So we just spent two hours socializing and it was delightful. I met two other women named Marilyn! The funniest part was that a big part of the conversation centered around baseball (I had the real-time app on my phone, giving others updates on the World Series game) and football (most of us are 49ers fans); breaking stereotypes, eh? Oh, and we talked about our jobs and our kids too.

October 29, 2012 Posted by | general, Marilyn | Leave a Comment

Guidewire User Conference

Monday and Tuesday of this week I’ll be spending my work days at Connections, Guidewire’s annual user conference, at the Westin St. Francis at Union Square in San Francisco. I went last year and spent most of my time trying to stay away from customers, afraid they would ask me quesitons that I didn’t know the answer to. This year I’m seeking out customers, learning a lot, and helping them out too. A very different and enjoyable experience.

October 23, 2012 Posted by | general, Marilyn, Work | Leave a Comment

Suprise Party for Kathie

Kathie’s birthday was today (the 22nd), and we all gathered last Saturday afternoon for a surprise birthday party for her. She’d been moping around all week about nothing happening for her birthday, so it was really fun to surprise her.

More pictures here

October 23, 2012 Posted by | Family, general | Leave a Comment

Website Training

On Saturday and Sunday the 20th and 21st I conducted training sessions for teaching other PTA parents how to edit the new site that will go live soon. I’m trying to “teach them to fish” so everyone can help out with editing the site. Google sites isn’t particularly sophisticated and is a bit buggy, but it’s great that the editing is really pretty easy, and it’s free and easily shareable.

October 23, 2012 Posted by | general, Marilyn, School | Leave a Comment

Car Repair

I got the damage repaired from my rear-ender accident. I really love AAA’s claims handling: all really hassle-free. Did you know they’re a Guidewire customer? 🙂

October 23, 2012 Posted by | general, Marilyn | Leave a Comment

Gym Time

The Peninsula Jewish Community Center (PJCC), which is right near my work, was offering a special on memberships, and it’s subsidized by my company, so I joined. I’ve had 3 training sessions and some workouts and have really enjoyed it. It’s a challenge to work into the my weekly schedule, but I’m making it work. I love it!

October 23, 2012 Posted by | general, Marilyn | Leave a Comment

More friends!

Jennifer and Selena came over for a visit on the 14th. We love our regular visits with them.

October 23, 2012 Posted by | general, Recreation | Leave a Comment

Synagogue and Friendship

On the 13th, while Katelyn was at her third Drivers Ed class, Haley, Val and I joined George and Linda for services at their synagogue. Then later on that day, Liza and Jody came over for dinner, games, and visiting. A pleasant day!

October 23, 2012 Posted by | Family, general, Recreation | Leave a Comment