Hollinger-Langmuir Family News

Taylor Play-a-thon

Once again the Taylor music program had our yearly Play-a-thon fundraiser on 3/14, which I organized. Everything from putting together the donation packets (all of the forms, and assembling them all with some help from Haley and some of the other parents), delegating the food, helping the Treasurer organize her work, and coordinating all of the money. Oh, and putting together an online donation site for the first time. We raised over $10,000, about 1/3 more than last year. About 25% of the donations came from the online site, which was great.

Pictures (just a few) here.

March 24, 2014 Posted by | Haley, Marilyn, School | Leave a Comment

Stacy’s 50th Birthday Party

My friend Stacy celebrated turning 50 in style be renting out the La Honda Winery in Redwood City, complete with a band and designer cake. It was great to see her, as well as Susan and Glynis, Michelle and Barry, and also my friends Amathyst and Kitori who were working as servers. I also got to meet some new people, and had a lovely time.

Pictures here.

March 24, 2014 Posted by | Marilyn, Recreation | Leave a Comment

Mr. SF Leather

In her role as Ms. SF Leather, Val was automatically a judge for the Mr. SF Leather contest. It was a full weekend affair, 2/28-3/2. Friday was the Contestant Meet & Greet, where Val and the other judges were also introduced, followed by a roast of Andy Cross, the outgoing titleholder and Val’s departing “sash husband”, where she spoke on stage. On Friday she was busy with the various judging activities, so I represented the Hollinger/Langmuir clan at services at B’nai Emunah, then joined Val in SF for the contest. I sat with my friends Rio and Ray since Val was in her exalted position at the judges’ table. On Sunday we went to the Leather Alliance Awards Brunch, where Ms SF Leather won “best contest”, and the Exiles’ Carnal Carnival (which I organized) won best non-contest event. Very cool!

Various pictures with Val and the various Mr. SF Leathers and related events can be found here.

March 24, 2014 Posted by | Marilyn, Recreation, Val | Leave a Comment

Visit with Freda

I have regular visits with my good friend Freda. Every time we get together we plan our next outing, so that even with our busy schedules we have regular time together. We got together for brunch at Bay View on 2/23.

March 24, 2014 Posted by | Marilyn | Leave a Comment

Lovely visit, as usual

Val and I had one of our regular visits from Jennifer and Selena on 2/22. We love our friends, and that they care enough to make sure to make time for us on a regular basis.

March 24, 2014 Posted by | Marilyn, Val | Leave a Comment

Platelet Donation

I’ve donated blood a few times, sometimes getting turned away due to low iron. I donated platelets on 2/21. It’s a longer process, and has some side effects because they add anticoagulant to the blood and some of it gets back to you when they return some of the blood to you. I ended up not feeling very well, but was able to donate anyway.

Donating platelets is great if you can do it. Platelets are really important to treating several forms of cancer, but they break down in a relatively short time so can’t be stockpiled for later. And you can donate platelets more often than whole blood. So if you can do it, you should!

March 24, 2014 Posted by | Marilyn | Leave a Comment

Travel was great!

After the storm in Exton it was clear sailing to NY. I spent a lovely afternoon with Bill & Marlene Wertheim, and the weekend with my cousins Lori & Mark. I had two dinners at Aunt Joanie’s, visiting lots of relatives, and a lovely brunch with my cousin Tina. Got home basically on time on Sunday the 16th.

March 24, 2014 Posted by | Family, Marilyn, Travel, Work | Leave a Comment

East Coast travel for Work

I left on Sunday, February 9 for an east coast business trip. I spent 2 days in Toronto, and am now in Pennsylvania. I was supposed to spent 2 days in the office in Exton, but here it is the second day and I’m stuck in the hotel because of a bad storm. Not so bad, though… I’m getting caught up on my blogging! Hoping the weather clears up so I can drive to NY tomorrow.

February 14, 2014 Posted by | Marilyn, Travel, Work | Leave a Comment


I spent all day on Friday, February 7 at Stanford interviewing candidates for summer intern positions for Guidewire. It was great fun!

February 14, 2014 Posted by | Marilyn, Travel, Work | Leave a Comment

Taylor Concert Tour

On Friday, February 7, the Taylor Band did their yearly Concert Tour. They go around to each of the elementary schools and play a mini-concert, encouraging the younger kids to do music. Haley played percussion, and I coordinated the parent volunteers.

February 14, 2014 Posted by | Haley, Marilyn, School | Leave a Comment