Address: 145 Conejo Drive, Millbrae, CA 94030
Here's where it is:
You can see the relative size of the lot on the parcel map. The lot is over 25,000 square feet, or just over 1/2 an acre. There is a small area in front, then the house, then a reasonable-sized backyard, then a beautiful wooded hill that's partly usable. The kids and the dog will have a great time!
Here's a schematic of the house (click to see a bigger image):
We have a bunch of pictures of the interior, but of course it's the current owner's decorating and stuff, so don't hold it against us.
So, did you notice there aren't any bedrooms for anyone except Adrien?? Yes, we will have construction. The house is currently a 3-bedroom, 2-bath house, which is way too small for us. Adrien will take the existing bedrooms (bedroom, office, living room), and we will build an entire second story for us: 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. This should give us some awesome views of the airport and bay, and we'll all get just the space we want.
Assuming the loan processing can be done speedily, we take ownership of the house on October 29, and it will be vacant after the 31st. What a great Halloween present! Of course, at that point we'll just have a "before" view of the house, but hopefully by then we'll have some architectural plans in place for everyone to see.