Grandma Frances,
8/8/03 |
Good picture of
Adrien 12/24 |
And another one.
12/24 |
Susan and Joel
very busy preparing.11/28/02 |
Lee looks on.11/28/02 |
Susan and Lee
hanging out.11/28/02 |
Mom and Joe clowning around.
Randi & Steve 4/22/02 |
Lori 4/21/02 |
Jenny 4/21/02 |
Kira & Sara 4/21/02 |
Lee and Grandma Adrien 4/20/02 |
Brittany 4/21/02 |
Brianna and Katelyn 4/20/02 |
Taylor, Brianna, and Katelyn
4/20/02 |
Joe, the high school graduate!! 6/9/01 |
Cool dude Lee 6/9/01 |

Susan and Joel 2/23/01 and then 4/18/03
looking a little sleepier |
Susan's 40th birthday dinner |
With Dad, Reggie, and Grandma Frances,
2/13/00 |
Grandma Adrien with Elephant Ears 2/14/00 |
Marilyn's sister Susan |
Marilyn's Grandma
Frances (Dad's mom) 10/99
Grandma with Katelyn. 8/00
Marilyn's father Ed and
her stepmother Reggie |
Susan's sons Joe (15) |
Ed and Reggie with Katelyn and their new
car |
and Lee (10) |
Cousin Sara visiting 4/9 |
Lee and Katelyn hangin' out |
Reggie's son Jeff, his wife
Rosemary, and their
daughter Hannah
Jeff again 8/00
Cousin Kira visiting 4/10/99,
on the Harley ride in Sausalito |
Drew family: Tom, Colleen, Megan, and Aaron
(with Katelyn tagging along) 8/99 |