Mother Erika, at their home
in Giove, Italy |
Stepfather Charles at Giove |
Val with her mother Erika |
Erika and Charles at Bomarzo |
Val and her dad,
Gavin, on his 80th birthday, which was April 2, 2004. |
Stepmother Nelee. |
Stepsister Jenny (with her
dad, Paul) |
Jenny's husband Al (with Val
at his 50th birthday) |
Jenny & Al's daughter
Cara, who's just 5 months younger than Katelyn |
Stepsister Debra, with daughter
Margot |
Debra's husband Joe |
Val and Gavin at Al's
50th birthday party. |
Val with Debra, Joe, and Margot |
Gavin at Al's
50th birthday party. |
Gavin and interesting flower, May 9. |
Gavin and Nelee visit us for dinner, July 3. |