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18, 2001
The girls are doing really well. Katelyn's latest interest in "rock-n-roll" dancing. We put music on the stereo and she dances around, and wants us to join her.
Haley is now crawling! She started by pulling herself along with her arms and scooting along on her belly, pushing with her toes. She now gets up and actually crawls.
She had her 9-month doctor visit. She's 17 pounds 12 ounces, and 27" long. All is well.
We went to the wedding of our friends Jennifer and Selena. Val escorted the three of us. It was great fun! Check out Marilyn's, Katelyn's, and Haley's photo pages for cute pictures of all of us.
The whole family participated in the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade on June 24th on our motorcycles. Katelyn rode with Kathie, and Haley rode in a backpack on Val's back, riding behind me. Glynis and Susan rode with us on a rented Harley. Click here for pictures.
Katelyn went camping with Aunt Judy on June 29-July 1 at Del Valle in Livermore. Val and I joined them on Saturday night, along with Val's dog Tommy. What a great time!
My work has been going well. Oracle recently released Oracle9i, a product I worked a lot on. I'm now working on our Application Server product, Oracle 9iAS. The company is doing pretty well, especially considering how the economy in general is doing. That's a good thing, because I just got another stock option grant!
We have several vacations planned this summer. First, Mom and Val and I are going to Reno the first weekend in August. Then Val and I are taking the kids down to see my Grandma Frances and some of Val's friends the following weekend. Then all 5 of us are going to New York on September 7. Whew!